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About Us

"Helping People Work Makes a Difference"

Venture Thrift Boutique is a non-profit social enterprise owned by Affirmative Ventures, a charity offering housing and job training to individuals experiencing barriers to employment. 

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Our Story

For over 30 years, Affirmative Ventures has been an innovative non-profit organization that helps Nova Scotians experiencing barriers to work achieve lifelong independence. Our mandate focuses on the foundation pieces of life - homes, jobs and friends.


Affirmative Ventures creates employment opportunities for program participants through the use of social enterprises. In 2024, the organization opened Venture Thrift Boutique, the only non-profit thrift store in downtown Halifax. All of the proceeds from this store contribute towards fulfilling the charity's mission of providing housing and job-training, while the store itself offers retail training for program participants.


Venture Thrift Boutique relies on clothing donations from the community to operate. Click the button below to learn more about what we accept and where you can make a donation. Thank you for your support!


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